Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 20 (09-15-10)

And now we’re back to life on the ship. Constant discussion about Morocco and Spain keeps occurring, as many of us haven’t seen each other in 10 or 11 days. I made it to global studies this morning with pop tarts in hand and suffered through most of a lecture about African import/export practices. As usual, online solitaire was the crutch that got me through the class. Our environmental science professor took our pictures in class today to better remember our names. It makes sense, it was just random and weird at the time. Especially considering it’s day 4. Why didn’t he do it on the first day? Are we that unmemorable? Bizarre.

I started my malaria medication tonight. I didn’t bring anything with me because my home travel doctor would only prescribe Malarone (the $10/pill medicine that basically gave me the flu), so I held out and decided to get some Larium on the ship (only for prevention in Ghana, not the rest of the trip). It’s a once-weekly pill that has some interesting potential side effects (vivid dreams, hallucinations, depression, permanent central nervous system damage), but it seemed like the best option for me at the time. We’ll see how that works out for me.

Day 21 (09-16-10)

Weird dreams? Check. I was stuck in an episode of Criminal Minds and we caught the killer at the end. Naturally, Ellen Page was the killer. And as soon as we were hauling her off into the police car, I realized that she had set a booby trap in the tree outside and I was a part of her master plan for murder. But I survived the explosion and everything ended happily. Then I woke up drenched in sweat and felt like I had been asleep for about 20 hours, when really it was 7:30 and I had been asleep for about 5. It could just be coincidental, but I’m definitely blaming the meds for that one.

Settlers. For the first time all voyage, I played Settlers of Catan. It was fantastic. Whereas last time I was the new kid that didn’t know about the game, now I’m the guru trying to spread the word. It was so much fun playing again (and I won, by the way), so I’m definitely glad I brought it along. Tip of my hat to Jonathan Katz for that one.

The ship did its fuel bunkering in the Canary Islands this morning. During lunch and class, we checked out Las Palmas from the windows. It’s always cool to see land in the distance, even if we aren’t able to debark and check it out.

I found a girl who gives massages. Wonderful, deep tissue, painful, amazing massages. And now I’m relaxed. We had our first Extended Family Dinner tonight, and my on-ship grandparents are 10-time SAS repeaters. They first sailed in 1983, and they’re now on voyage number 10. Each of their (actual) grandchildren has done the SAS program, and these two just tag along for the ride whenever that happens. Their last one is onboard now, so they’re enjoying a final hurrah around the world with her. What a life. Us (and my 5 siblings) chatted for awhile about travel and school and made plans to meet up again after Ghana. The “grandchild” who takes the best photo in Ghana will win a prize! It’s exciting. I hope I’m that cool/well-traveled when I’m their age.

We watched Monsters Inc tonight (thanks again, Mandy, for buying me a copy in Vietnam), and it was as great as ever. Billy Crystal and John Goodman at their best. In the Piano Bar, a couple friends started playing random songs and a mini-singalong started amongst all those present. Giggles banged out the only song she knows on piano (the opening hook of Don’t Stop Believin’) and Howard played some recognizable movie tunes (A Whole New World, My Heart Will Go On), and it eased some of the stress in the room for those people that were studying. Fun night.

Giggles’ birthday was on the 12th in Morocco, so she wasn’t able to get her cake until afterwards (aka tonight). Vanilla ice cream cake. Massive. Delicious. Awesome.

Bedtime… sweet dreams?

Day 22 (09-17-10)

Not even going to mention the dreams anymore. Suffice it to say, they’re bizarre. But my 12:15 class was cancelled today, so I got to relax and hang out in the piano bar all afternoon. Nice. I have a couple midterms coming up, so I feel like I should be studying for them. Maybe. We’ll see.

Some of us have been on a movie kick recently, so we kept it up tonight with Seven. Kevin Spacey being all creepy. Battle of the Sexes board game afterwards. Not even a competition. The men dominated. Insert macho, sexist joke here. I realize these at-sea posts are pretty thin sometimes, but some days are truly just mundane. Not in a bad way. I don’t know.

Day 23 (09-18-10)

Best news of the day? Mac n Cheese/Fries for lunch… so exciting. Oh, and there was apple pie with dinner? Unbelievable. Ship food has gotten rather monotonous already, but this was a nice change of pace. The movie streak continued with Blood Diamond this evening, but we didn’t finish it. I’m not sure whose idea it was to watch a graphically violent movie about family struggle and the illegal diamond trade as preparation for West Africa, but it certainly didn’t put the rest of the group at ease. Granted, the film is (loosely) based upon events occurring in Sierra Leone in the ‘90s and does not concern Ghana at all, but it still wasn’t the best movie to watch before entering the region. Whoops.

There was a thunderstorm brewing somewhere off in the distance tonight, so a few of us went to the back deck to look out and watch the lightning. Introspective moment. Surrounded by water and everything and nothing all at once. I love this ship.

Environmental studies midterm tomorrow. Time to (pretend that I’m going to) study!

Day 24 (09-19-10)

Taco Day Number 2?!? No way! Seriously, that’s such good news. A full, mounded plate of taco-y goodness. Perfection. But the environmental science midterm in rough waters… not the best combination with taco day. Our World Religion study session went well, so I’m basically a master of Judaism now. Mazel Tov. And I learned some new game called Monopoly Deal. It’s based on Monopoly, but it’s a card game with no board. I like it.

And I’m blogging late again without taking adequate notes, so I don’t remember any other details from the day. Oh well.

Day 25 (09-20-10)

World Religion midterm… one of the easiest tests I’ve ever taken. At dinner tonight, there was a beautiful sunset. It was the first one that really captivated everyone’s attention (other than the first night, simply because it was the first night). People just congregated on the back decks and stared out at the sky. One of those skies that could never be translated to canvas no matter who was trying to paint it. Another introspective moment that ended up lasting much longer than I had initially intended. It’s easy to get wrapped up.

Ghana is almost here!

Day 26 (09-21-10)

Definitely got an A on the Environmental Science exam. Cake. After an uneventful day of 2 classes and 3 meals, it was finally time for Logistical Pre-port at 8pm, because we’re arriving in Ghana tomorrow. The medical team dressed up like hippies and sang a little song to the tune of The Age of Aquarius (We’re in Ghana but we ain’t got malaria). It was kitschy, but hilarious. One of the professors even gave an in-depth description of the proper way to use a squat toilet. As someone with prior experience in that department, it was especially funny.

Afterwards, we spent the evening playing cards and talking about plans for Ghana. We’re expected to be clear by 10am tomorrow, so we’ll see what happens. I’ll write again next time I’m at sea!

1 comment:

  1. Glad the Settlers legacy lives on!

    Are you going to organize Suits and Settlers?

    Build a solid wheat/rock city for me.

    Miss you - I love hearing about the travels. Ubuntu.
