Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 4 (01-22-09)

Note to self:
1. The Mini Wheats they have at breakfast are NOT frosted. Disappointing.
2. The milk tastes funny. But it’s powdered, so I’ll let it go.
3. The food here will get old fast. Like… really fast.
4. I'll probably get salmonella from the peanut butter but it's SO worth it.
5. Catch Phrase, Spoons, Apples to Apples, and Spit will get me through the day.
6. Hahahaha I live on a cruise ship. Nice.

Day 5 (01-23-09)

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Also, last night was the 3rd consecutive night that we’ve had to move our clocks forward an hour, and we’ll have to do it again 3 more times before we get to Spain. This whole 23 hour day thing is more exhausting than I expected. Luckily, that’s what naps are for.

These posts are actually really easy to do from the ship; I just have to e-mail them to the website and they appear as-is on the page. But photos are going to require a little more effort, and I won’t be able to add them until I’m in port somewhere. I realize that the pictures are the main draw for travel blogs like this, so bear with me. I’ll post them as soon as I can. Maybe I’ll find a Starbucks in Spain and snag some Wi-Fi. We’ll see.

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