Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 6 (01-24-09)

Cabin fever hasn’t quite set in yet… but it’s getting close.  We had a Swing Dancing workshop last night and it was pretty awesome. There were far too many people in the room though, so I’m hoping the crowd dwindles from week-to-week. But I’m in it for the long haul. You heard it here first.

Day 7 (01-25-09)

Are we there yet?

Day 8 (01-26-09)

As of today, I have, in my possession, knowledge so valuable it is only ever bestowed upon two Semester at Sea students per term. I was not one of these students. But. I was cunning and charming enough to befriend these students. And, as such, they passed the information along to me. What, you may ask, is kept such a secret that those out of the loop remain envious for the entire voyage? Well, it follows along the lines of what appears to be a growing trend in this blog: Food. More specifically: A recipe. It is a recipe for a simple, yet delicious treat that keeps us going when the dining hall food does not. Ladies and gentleman… Crack Toast. If you are fortunate enough to have had this rare delicacy in years past, you know its value. If you aren’t… you’re missing out. But I will never divulge the ingredient list that has been bestowed upon me. No one could ever get it out of me. Except Jack Bauer. But seriously, that just wouldn’t be fair. That guy comes chasing after you with a ballpoint pen and you’re done. Anyway. I hope this occupied you for a few minutes. I really just couldn’t think of anything else worthwhile to write.

Day 9 (01-27-09)

I’ll be in Spain tomorrow. Finally. Stories will ensue. Also, just to get them out of the way, I’ve been getting some e-mail questioning me about trivial things like classes and such. As a means of answering all of these questions, I will just post the responses to your questions here, in the order that I received them.
1. Classes are fine; I haven’t dropped or switched any of them.
2. My roommate and I get along. He’s a junior in high school and I think they paired me with him since I’m young? He has two older siblings on the ship and they’re pretty close. He typically hangs out with some of the other 16-17 year old dependent kids on the ship, or with his siblings, but he’s not having any trouble making friends. I’m glad everyone’s so worried about my roommate. I’m fine too, by the way.
3. I haven’t made a single friend. I sit in my room alone with the lights off all day long wishing I were back in the States. Hahaha do you people know me? Seriously? I’m having a great time. Me + new people = fun time. And since 80 of the 730 students are from CU-Boulder, I’m not even the biggest hippie here. It’s close though. I do wear a pink bandana every day. (Also, a big thank you goes out to all of my previous English teachers for telling me to proofread my work, because otherwise, the previous sentence would have read “I do wear a pink banana every day”). People just see the bandana and recognize me. I’m helping people to feel confident in their name-remembering ability. Okay, enough with the tangents, next question.
4. Yes, there is a day on the ship called Neptune Day where we have our Sea Olympics and various tasks are performed. Yes, I will be shaving my head as a part of these festivities. And yes, there will be pictures.
5. Supposedly, there are 3 other North Penn graduates on this voyage. One of them got me to join the trip, so I already know her. Another is in my Media course, and the 3rd is M.I.A. Apparently she exists, but I have no evidence to support this notion. Time will tell.
6. Global Studies, the mandatory course for all students, is held in the Union, the large gathering room in the front of the ship, but all students don’t fit inside. So the lectures for that class are broadcast throughout the ship on all public televisions in the other 9 classrooms and the piano lounge. They chose not to simulcast the class into all of our cabins because, well let’s face it, who would actually go to class? Not me. My other 3 classes have 18-35 people in them, so they’re held in regular classrooms.
7. No
8. The ratio of female students to male students on the ship is almost 3 to 1. In our population, 73% of students are female and 27% are male. In short… I like my odds. And the scenery is just lovely.
9. Only on the weekends.
10. No, you cannot have the recipe for Crack Toast.

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