Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Small Updates and Movie

Day 36 (02-23-09)

Apparently we just left Cape Town early this morning. But we have the fastest cruise liner in the world; making it to Mauritius on schedule is no problem. Today might be the most boring day onboard the ship thus far. Why? Tomorrow is the first Global Studies exam. Everyone is freaking out because they don’t know what to study and we’ve just been out of the classroom for the past 9 days. It’s rather amusing. I guess we’ll see what happens. There’s really nothing else to report here because that’s honestly all I’ve encountered today. I admit, I caved in and studied too. But only a little. I spent the rest of my time watching 24 and eating Frosted Flakes. It was awesome. Making it an early night tonight so I’m well rested. Catch you on the flip side.

Day 37 (02-24-09)

I think everybody on this ship is sick right now. Some have the flu. Some are seasick. Some have lingering coughs. A few are unfortunate enough to have some “traveler’s disease” (yikes). But everyone is sick. Except, for once, me. I guess I’ll just keep taking my Vitamin C and hope for the best. Dinner time. It’s 7pm and I’ve only eaten some pop-tarts and a cup of noodles today, so I should probably get on that.

I put a video on the photo site. Nothing special, just a little message for everyone.


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