Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 62 (03-21-09)

Class today. Vietnam tomorrow. Cambodia the next day. There’s no time to take it all in. The sunset tonight was incredible. We’re still really close to the shore, and it was the first time I can remember watching the sunset over land from the ship. We were just eating dinner outside on the deck and the yellow sun, pink sky, and light cloud cover were descending over the mountainous landscape we saw before us. I would’ve taken pictures, but I was so enthralled by it that it was gone by the time I even thought about grabbing a camera. So I may not be able to document it in photos, but I’ll always remember it. That seems to be a theme for this voyage. There have been several days on this trip where I’ve decided to leave my camera on the ship, or packed away in my bag. Sometimes it’s too bulky to wear on my neck whilst hiking. Sometimes I don’t want to get it wet. Sometimes I simply don’t feel like bringing it on a day trip. So I might not have pictures of everything that I’ve seen and done. But I’ll remember. For now at least. Before senility kicks in. But I’d like to think I’ve got some time before I need to worry about that.

Oh, and I talked to sister for the first time since January today. Craziness. It’s like I’m actually in touch with people again these past few days. Some phone calls home. Some online chats and video chats. The life I left behind is still going. Weird.

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