Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 68 (03-27-09)

Today was just another day at sea. Global studies. Media class. 5 hours of nothing in between. Cultural pre-port for Hong Kong/China tonight. It’s still weird having pre-port the first day back. But I was thinking a few days ago about my trip thus far. Since leaving Nassau, we’ve been to 9 countries. They’ve all impacted me differently, and I decided to make up some way of comparing them to something that’s familiar, so that you can relate to them on a more personal level. With that, here is…

The World
(As a list of ex-girlfriends)

Spain – Ah, she was my first. I thought I was in love. The time spent with her was incredible, and I couldn’t imagine anywhere else that I’d rather be. And yet, in retrospect, I know it wasn’t love. It was puppy love. There was still so much ahead of me at this point, and I didn’t know it. I was happy with Spain. But, as I’d learn later, she wasn’t the best.

Morocco – This girl was like nothing I’d ever seen before. She was exotic. She was different. And she was a good cook to boot. I didn’t know what to expect from this girl, but I’ve always been interested. Something about the bizarre caught my eye. I basically followed her around. Doing whatever she wanted me to do. But I didn’t know enough about her to take charge and try to be open and embrace her. She cracked the whip and I obeyed. I needed the experience, to help me move on. To see what other people had to offer. I’m happy with the situation, but I’m not desperate enough to go back.

Namibia – This girl was adventurous. Fast-paced. Not afraid to get a little bit dirty. She’s the girl with the tattoo. The girl that conservative folks scowl at when they see her walking down the street. She was my black rose. But I’m not that dangerous. I love a good adventure, but I’d never be able to keep up with this girl. It was too much too fast. Maybe if I meet her again someday, we can have another fling. But it’ll never last.

South Africa – Call me naïve, but I think I loved this girl. What do I know about love? Nothing. But I know how I felt when we were together, and I know how I feel now that she’s gone. No one else has quite compared. I’ve been with other girls, but she’s the only one I've ever decided to go back to. I know I’ll go back. It’s just a matter of when. We can be adventurous and spend some time living in the fast lane. Or we can relax, and take in some music at a local jazz joint. She fits me. She sticks around when the memories of others fade away. I want my parents to meet her. After just a few short days, I knew that my family should fly out and see this girl. She’s just that special. I’m sure there are other girls out there that will have the same impact. But I haven’t found them yet. And if I someday end up back in her arms… that’s okay with me.

Mauritius – This was a blind date that went horribly wrong. I was on the rebound from my last girlfriend. She didn’t really know what I was all about. It was really awkward. I felt sick. She didn’t know what to say. We just cut our losses, laughed about it, and went our separate ways. In time, I doubt I’ll even remember her name.

India – Everyone else said she was an amazing girl, so I gave her a shot. Afterwards, I really only enjoyed her one redeeming quality: that smile. Those white teeth. Perfectly symmetrical. Cast in marble. Such an exercise in perfection would be futile to try and recreate. But she was annoying. She talked too much. Her friends talked too much. And she was dirty. What should’ve been a one-night stand turned into four, and all I ever wanted to do while I was around her was take a nice long shower. I’m glad it’s over. I guess I don’t regret it, but I’m in no hurry to ever call her again.

Thailand – This just happened so fast. We were perfect for each other. It didn’t matter what we did; we just always had fun. Whether we were spending all day working hard, or walking aimlessly through the city, we always found something to laugh about. You were beautiful. Dark and mysterious. I didn’t know anything about you before diving headfirst into our relationship. But I learned. And we hit it off so well. Oh and the food. I feel like all we did was eat. I spent way too much money on you. It made sense at the time, but in retrospect, I could’ve used that for other things. But you spoiled me with your beauty, so I wanted to spoil you back. I wasn’t ready to leave. I just wanted another day. Another hour. Five more minutes. But you kicked me out and sent me packing. I walked away, tail between my legs, and wondered what would come next…

Vietnam/Cambodia – This was a steamy little love triangle. I started off with one girl, and everything was going pretty well. I still wasn’t completely over my last girlfriend, but I was ready to start trying. We seemed to be getting along, when all of a sudden, the other woman showed up. We went on a holiday for a few days, and things got hot. So hot. I can honestly say, there hasn’t been any other girl that’s raised my body temp like this one. But again, I knew it wouldn’t last. I ended up slinking back to where I came from, hoping to regain acceptance. And I got it, reluctantly, after a significant kick to the ass and a few lessons learned. But I needed the lesson, and now I know better.

So if you haven’t picked up on it yet… this is pretty farcical. I’ve never actually been a part of a love triangle. I’ve never been on a blind date. Etc. Some entries may relay more truth than others, and I certainly had some people in mind, but nothing here is meant to be taken seriously. I just thought I’d spice up my blog again for a bit of a laugh. Hope you enjoyed.

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